Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tavaar - 37th Edition

I'm going to keep going with Tavaar again, at least for a while. I'm going to try and limit the posts to around 500-words, excluding commentary, which I will try to keep to a minimum. This means the scenes will follow on the heels of the previous unless otherwise noted.

“Oh, go get something to eat.”

Sashwa was still laughing.

“Okay. Aren’t you coming?”

“No. I’m going to look over the maps Kelenbah gave me.”

She took out the pack of parchment she had been given. Curious, Sashwa picked up the pages defining the two warriors. She read part of it and looked at Tavaar, who nodded.

“Now you know why they chose to start where they did?”

Sashwa nodded. “They’re trying to make the company’s task look easy. They want us to be complacent. That’s why we’re still here instead of on our way. Kelenbah was overconfident.”

“That is my guess. What is more, this company has used the same strategy for years, and everyone knows it.”

“A good plan defeats us. Especially since we’re understaffed.”


“So, what are you going to do?”

“We’re going to go after them. We’ll catch them in the wild.”

“It’s bold. Do you think this company is up to it? They’re good warriors, you know.”

“They may be good, but we have an advantage.”

“Numbers may not be enough, Darling.”

“I’m not talking about numbers, Sweetheart. They still think Kelenbah is in charge. They will act accordingly.”

Sashwa laughed. “Darling, I think we’re going to capture them.”

“I know we are.”

“I’ll bring you something to eat.”

“Thank you. And find out what Wheylin’s up to, will you?”

“I hear and obey, Darling. Thanks for the kiss – Lover.”

“Stop it.”

- - - - -

Sashwa entered the hut with two plates of food. Tavaar continued to pore over the maps, making small marks at strategic points. Some represented the deployment of her troops. Some were the logical path of their prey. Sashwa handed one plate to her.

“Eat, Darling.”

Tavaar made a final notation and set the maps aside. Then she sat with legs crossed and took the plate.

“Where is Wheylin?” she asked.

“Guard duty,” said Sashwa, sopping up juices with a piece of bread. Tavaar paused in her eating.

“Guard duty? That means he will be back in camp during the relax period.”

“I believe that is true,” said Sashwa.

Tavaar set her plate aside. She sighed, dejectedly. “And I thought Nayvahl had accepted me.”

“He has.”

“Then why this? I know what it’s about. He thinks I lay with Kelenbah. So, if there is to be a baby, he wants everyone to believe it could be Wheylin’s. I had hoped he, at least, would believe me.”

“He may believe you, Darling. But you can hardly blame him for taking precautions. He doesn’t really know. You admitted that yourself. Besides, you made him second in command. That means he is responsible for everyone here – including you. In fact, especially you. Whatever he believes, this is simply Nayvahl considering all possibilities. Give him credit for that.”

Tavaar smiled. “Okay. I will. All the same, Wheylin and I will not be sleeping here tonight. We’ll bed down under the stars by the fire.”

“To ensure everyone knows you are not laying with Wheylin?”

“Yes. I will send my own message. No one but you knows that Wheylin and I have lay together.”

“I don’t know that it will do any good, but I won’t argue. How long do you intend to do this?”

“At least until the next moon.”

“Oh, that is going to go over well.”

“Wheylin will understand. He’s good about that.”

“He’s good about everything with you. Try not to take advantage of him.”

Tavaar gave Sashwa a look. “Since when do you care about Wheylin?”

Sashwa shrugged. “He’s my brother. I care – sometimes. Look, I know how I would feel if you rejected me. That’s all.”

“I’m not rejecting him.”

“Yeah? Well, tell him that.”

“If you feel so strongly about it, I tell you what: I’ll get him drunk on ale; I’ll blindfold him; you can wear some of my scents and he can lay with you.”

Sashwa shuddered. “And you call me disgusting. I wish you would stop with that joke. Especially when I’m trying to eat.”

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Today's Music

Yeah. That's The Great Sea all right.
