Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tavaar - 54th Edition

“You – you are breaking up the company?”

“It was a consideration. Now, with virtually the entire leadership gone, it seems the time may be right.”

“But these are good warriors, General. They have just accomplished something no one believed possible – and that undermanned. Will you punish them for their success?”

“You only won because of the affection Khaiu and Shello bear for you. They would have slipped through if not for you.”

“I was not the one to drive them into the pass, General! That was Yahrleen and Alobahr and Nayvahl.”

“They acted on your plan.”

"But they still had to do it! As you said, yourself, I was not there. You cannot break this company apart, General. Not now! Not after a victory such as this. Not when it would shame them. Whatever your concerns, I assure you, this company has no problems, save being undermanned and without a captain.”

Sampka remained expressionless. He had made no visible reaction to Tavaar whatsoever, which was frustrating. Had he already decided? Was it too late? This was so frustrating.

“We will remain long enough to speak with each warrior in turn. All will have their chance to speak. In the meantime, there is a captain present. Captain Khaiu!” Khaiu rose to his feet and came to stand beside Tavaar. “Captain Khaiu, I am placing you in command of this company for the short term. Arrange for the warriors to meet with us.”

“With all respect, General, I am against this,” said Khaiu. Sampka’s eyes went wide, and there was a hint of anger. Yet he said nothing. Khaiu continued. “The company has already suffered disruption,” said Khaiu. “It has done well enough over the last few weeks with the current leadership. If the company is to be disbanded, what does another day or two matter? If not, what does it matter if the current leadership remains in place to welcome its new captain? Unless it is your intent I be permanently assigned?”

Sampka’s expressionless gaze now considered Khaiu.

“Very well. However, the company will not be led by a sub-commander. Tavaar, daughter of Odelmaar, stand forth.” Tavaar moved a step in front of Khaiu. She was about to be officially relieved of command. She had known it was coming, but now that it had arrived she felt a sense of loss. “Tavaar, daughter of Odelmaar, of the house of Denya, from the line of Mines, I hereby name you first lieutenant. Arrange to have insignia sewn onto your tunic at your next opportunity. Meanwhile, arrange for the warriors to meet with us. We will after we eat. The rest we’ll see tomorrow.”

“Yes – yes, General.”

Sampka then stood, Seratahn and Muflin rising with him. He came forward, took her by her shoulders and smiled for the first time.

“Congratulations, Lieutenant,” he said, and then he kissed her.

Muflin was next. He also smiled. Seratahn followed, her smile as big as her hat. Tavaar had to bend in order to be kissed. When Seratahn let her go, she turned to Khaiu and pointed at him.

“I will speak with you and your brother before eating.”

“Very good, Commander,” said Khaiu. Then he turned to Tavaar, his face aglow with happiness. “Congratulations, Lieutenant.”

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Today's Music

Yeah. That's The Great Sea all right.
