Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tavaar - 48th Edition

They walked back to the fire. Wheylin took his place and Sashwa stood. Tavaar did not kiss, or even acknowledge him. She and Sashwa walked to where Khaiu and Shello sat. Sashwa wanted to sit between them, but Tavaar said no. They would sit against a nearby tree. Before they sat, though, Ahzbah walked up. She looked annoyed.

“So, what’s this, Tavaar? You going to cozy up after all?”

Ahzbah was too busy being insubordinate to notice the look of fire in Tavaar’s eyes. The others saw it, though, and tried to get her attention. But Tavaar was already walking away.

“Ahzbah, come with me!”

They went to the same hollow where Tavaar had spoken with Wheylin, only further down the hill. When the stopped, Tavaar’s wrath exploded.

“What is the matter with you?”

“What’s the matter with me? I’m not the one who’s different. What’s the matter with you?”

“This isn’t about me. It’s about you. You’ve been surely and insubordinate ever since Kelenbah left.”

“With good reason.”

“What reason?”

Ahzbah growled impatiently. “Don’t pretend you don’t know. And don’t try telling me that you’re in command.”

“I shouldn’t have to tell you I’m in command. And I don’t know what you’re talking about, so tell me.”

“Tavaar. You’re treating me as though I am just a regular soldier.”

“You are a regular soldier, Ahzbah.”

“I am also your friend.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?”

“It means you are being harder on me than anyone else. So I make some jokes. Who cares? You’ve done the same.”

Tavaar sighed.

“Ahzbah, if we are to put an end to Kelenbah’s legacy, we must end it completely.”

“But why do you have to be especially mean to me?”

“I’m not being especially mean to you.”

“Oh, yeah? Well, who else have you taken aside to yell at?”

Tavaar hesitated. Technically, it was none of Ahzbah’s business, and Tavaar had no real right to say. However, they were friends.

“I have spoken with both Sashwa and Wheylin.”

Ahzbah looked genuinely surprised. “What for? I don’t remember seeing it.”

“Of course you didn’t. I did it in private.”

“Then why do I have to be dragged off publicly?”

“Because you can’t keep your big mouth shut. If you would have just presented yourself quietly, we could have left with everyone thinking I was giving you a task or something. But no, you can’t do that, can you? You have to come storming in all mad and irritable, flapping that mouth of yours and undermining my authority. We could have just talked this out. Now, I have to take action.”


“Because we’re friends, you idiot! I can’t be seen to be showing favoritism. What you did will be known to all within a turn of the company reassembling: as will my response.”

Ahzbah was quiet. She seemed to be understanding things she had not bothered to consider before.
“So what did you talk with Sashwa about? This same thing?”

“Kind of. It never got this far. And because it was quiet, I didn’t have to take any action.”

“What about Wheylin? He loves you so much, I can’t see him doing anything insubordinate.”

“He wasn’t.”

Ahzbah’s face lit up. “You put him down because of what happened at the pass?”

“I had to.”

“How far did you go?”

“I am putting him on report. It’s going to affect his income; mine, too, now that I think of it. So you see, Ahzbah, I am not singling you out. But as commander of the company, I need respect. Real respect. I think I have a right to expect my friends to lead the way in that. Those who are not my friends I expect to at least pretend.

Ahzbah gave a half smile.
“I’m still your friend, Tavaar. I’m just mad at you, that’s all. But if you would like, I can move into a different hut.”

“No. I don’t want you to do that. For one thing, there is no need. I’m only going to command until a new captain arrives. That won’t be long, I’m sure. But even more important, the hut is a place where we can drop the formal behavior. We can be just friends, and you can pick on me like you used to.”

Ahzbah smiled, sheepishly. “Okay.”

“Good. Now, perhaps you would care to tell me what’s been bothering you?”

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Today's Music

Yeah. That's The Great Sea all right.
