Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tavaar - 47th Edition

She went to check on the doe. Wheylin was turning it. She offered to take over but he declined, instead offering that she should use the time to visit with old friends. She declined, but he insisted.

“I understand how it is,” he said. “Do not worry about me.”

She kissed him long and ardently. “I love you, Wheylin.”

“That is nice to hear.”

“Unfortunately, I just thought of something. Sashwa, take over the spit.”

“Yes, Sub-Commander.”

She gave Sashwa a look. Sashwa just grinned.

“Come with me, Wheylin.”

She led him about a furlong away. She found a place where the ground sloped and the trees were thick enough to provide privacy. When she stopped, Wheylin looked about.

“I suspect this is about one of two likely scenarios,” he said. “And from the look on your face, it isn’t the one I’m hoping for. This is about what happened at the pass, isn’t it?”

She felt terrible; almost ill. But it had to be done.
“I’m sorry, Wheylin, but…”

“Never apologize for being in command. With command goes privilege, and responsibility. I’m not a good warrior, but I still understand that. All real warriors do – Sub-Commander.”

“Thank you,” she said. “You were seen.”

“I know.”

“What happened?”

“I was doing well, I thought. I could have sworn I saw just the fleeting glimpse of a shadow, but I wasn’t sure. I stared and stared, but there was nothing more. Then, just as I convinced myself it was nothing, he steps out of the trees plain as day. It caught me by surprise, and I started to stand. Too late, I realized that had been his intent. I’m sorry.”

“Fortunately, this was only a test, so the consequences were minimal at worst. Also, since they gave themselves up, things did not work out so bad. However, I am duty bound to point out that, had this been a mission against a real enemy, your lack of discipline could have cost a life. I have to report this failure. It will affect your pay, I fear. Also, I have to put you on safe duty for a while as punishment. You will cook all meals for the next ten days, or until the new captain is assigned. I am sorry, Wheylin.”

“No need to be sorry, Sub-Commander. I know I am guilty.”

“Tavaar. Or Sweetheart. We’re alone now.”

“No, Sub-Commander. When we drop the flap on our hut door you are my love and my lover. This is military. I can tell the difference.”

“I kissed you at the cooking station.”

He grinned. “Well, you can make some exceptions, but this is serious. I think we should keep it that way.”

She smiled at him. She so appreciated him, and right now all she wanted to do was take him in her arms and lay on the forest floor.

“I will make it up to you at base camp,” she said.

“But I thought you wanted to wait, so everybody…”

“I will make it up to you at base camp.”

Wheylin grinned. “As you wish, Sub-Commander.”

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Today's Music

Yeah. That's The Great Sea all right.
