Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tavaar - 38th Edition

Sashwa shuddered.

“And you call me disgusting. I wish you would stop with that joke. Especially when I’m trying to eat.”

“Yes. But I know you are intrigued by his repeat ability. I think you really do want to lay with him.”

Sashwa made a face. “The only one around here I want to lay with is you.”

It was Tavaar’s turn to react. “Will you stop saying that?”

“Will you stop with the Wheylin jokes?”

“Okay. At least until we’re done eating.”

“Do you think you can make it that long?”

Tavaar smiled, coyly. “Oh, I can make it all right.”

Sashwa choked on her food. “You little hypocrite. You criticize me for making jokes about it, but then you come right back with something like that.”

“Got you excited, have I?”

“As a matter of fact, yes. Now let it be so we can finish supper.”

“Coward. I should have guessed you were pretending.”

“I’m not pretending anything. Nayvahl’s coming after supper, remember?”

“Oh, yes. I guess we should finish before he gets here.”

Sashwa slid over to Tavaar’s side and kissed her cheek. “But if you keep the meeting short, we might have time.”

“Stop that!”

“Now who’s the coward?” laughed Sashwa.

Nayvahl arrived just as they finished eating. They set their plates aside and Tavaar listened to his report on how he had organized the company within her instructions. When he finished, she questioned him about who should lead the squads. With the company down to just over twenty warriors, Tavaar’s thinking was to only go with four squad leaders. The first question had to do with Nayvahl: should he lead a squad, or should he be independent? There were advantages to both. However, since Tavaar was not likely to keep command long, it was agreed that Nayvahl should continue as a squad leader. Sashwa would also lead a squad. The Chief Scout usually did not have an assigned squad. They hand-picked different warriors for each of their missions. This is what Gwihnna did. But Sashwa pointed out that when Tavaar was relieved, she was likely to be made Chief Scout.

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Today's Music

Yeah. That's The Great Sea all right.
