Friday, April 10, 2009

Tavaar - 46th Edition

We skip some minor things and now are back at base camp.

When they made camp Tavaar set Ahzbah and Hehnfit as watch. She expected Nayvahl to arrive soon. He had been mandated with driving Khaiu and Shello into the trap. Khaiu and Shello would, of course, have kept a safe distance, but Nayvahl was probably only a couple of turns away. To Khaiu and Shello’s surprise she and Wheylin began the task of making an evening meal. Sashwa was sent out to hunt. She returned just over a turn later with a small doe. They finished preparing it and then stuck it on a spit. Less than a turn later Nayvahl entered camp. When he saw Khaiu and Shello sitting by a large oak, his face broke into a smile. The look he gave Tavaar told her she had won an ally.

“Your plan succeeded, Sub-Commander. Forgive me for doubting.”

“You are forgiven, Lieutenant, if for no other reason than the plan did not entirely work. They figured it out before we could catch them.”

Nayvahl looked confused. His gaze returned to the prisoners.

“They gave themselves up for friendship’s sake,” she said.

Nayvahl stood in thought. Then he gave her a keen look. “Then you still won. It matters not what enticement you used. The mission was to prevent the passing to West Stop. That has been done.”

Tavaar gave an embarrassed laugh. “Only because they bear a great love for me. That is not really defeating them.”

“Yes, it is, Sub-Commander. Great warriors do what they must to win. You knew from the beginning they love you. In fact, were you not counting on it?”

Tavaar smiled at him, appreciatively. “You are wise and loyal, Nayvahl. I am not so sure others will consider my methods pure.”

Nayvahl hesitated.
“The perception of impropriety does not always mean it exists, Sub-Commander. That a warrior should be willing to suffer personally for what they believe to be a greater good is remarkable. That another warrior should come to see it the same way is humbling. You have my loyalty, Sub-Commander, because you deserve it, and more. Forgive me again for my slowness to understand.”

She didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t sure she could speak. The look in Nayvahl’s eyes confirmed her suspicion that he had changed the subject. To keep poise, she changed it again.

“I only have two on watch right now, Lieutenant. With your squad, we now number twelve. We should double the watch now. Wheylin and I are cooking. Sashwa hunted. Ahzbah is to the west and Hehnfit is east. I want you to remain in camp. Pick four from the rest and set your watch. Have Ahzbah report to me.”

“Very good, Sub-Commander.”

He walked past her to the center of camp. But before he could speak, she called to him.

“Thank you, Lieutenant. Thank you, Nayvahl.”

He smiled. “You are welcome, Sub-Commander.”


He looked uncomfortable.

“Just this once,” she prodded.

“Very well. You are most welcome – Tavaar.”

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Today's Music

Yeah. That's The Great Sea all right.
