Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tavaar - 45th Edition

She was blushing under his praise. To hear him speak well of her meant more than any other praise she could get. Khaiu did not dole out praise because he loved. In fact, Khaiu hardly doled out praise at all. He had no fears about criticizing those he loved. He expected them to understand his love for them had nothing to do with their deeds, good or bad. Therefore, his praise meant all the more.

She took the symbols of victory from the brothers. She managed to fight and win over the urge to cry. She knew better than most what this meant to them. It was not easy to defeat either Khaiu or Shello. For them to admit defeat was an act against their own pride. There were not many they would do this for.

“So, who did you see?” she asked, keeping her focus on the leather patches.

“It was difficult to tell,” said Khaiu.

Shello made an amused noise and turned away. Even Tavaar smiled as she looked up.

“Khaiu, are you trying to convince me you do not know who it was you saw? I must say – with relief – that you still make a poor liar. I insist you tell me. I am still in command of this company and I must know where I am weak.”

Khaiu looked apologetic. “It was Wheylin. He only moved a little, and then he caught himself. Had I not been looking for precisely that to occur, I should not have noticed.”

Tavaar grunted and looked back at the patches to hide her thoughts. She had suspected it was him. Wheylin just wasn’t a warrior.

“He did well enough, I am sure,” said Khaiu.

“He does his best. What more can he do? He is meant for the mines, not the forests. He is out of his element.”

“You will need to keep these safe,” said Shello.

Tavaar was glad for the subject change.
“Have you a leather tie in your pack?” she asked.

While Shello rummaged through his pack to produce a long leather thong, Tavaar took her knife and drilled holes into the two patches. She strung the thong through the holes, tied it, then placed it around her neck and let the patches drop inside her tunic. Shello grinned.

“I guess they will safe enough there.”

Tavaar gave him a sardonic look.
“Right. Like you’ve never had your hands there before. Just remember, Klarissa may not take it kindly if you try to get it back.” Khaiu laughed, but Tavaar turned to him. “What are you laughing at? Your hands have been there, too.”

Now it was Shello’s turn to laugh at Khaiu.

“I love it!” he cried. “My Darling is still one of the few who can make you blush, brother.”

“Shut up.”

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Today's Music

Yeah. That's The Great Sea all right.
