Sunday, March 15, 2009

What to Do Now

So. The book is completed and I have written a first go at a query letter. When I am ready I will send to Evil Editor so the Minions can have at it. As much as they have helped me in the past I do not look forward to the ordeal. I suppose it's like an athlete in training camp. They don't relish the idea of the punishment they are about to go through, but without it they will never be ready for the season.

The problem there is that there was just a post for a book which has treason as a significant issue. Treason is what Traitor's all about. I'm thinking I should delay in posting the query until at least April.

Anyway, I'm finding myself thinking about Book II, The Prophecies of Madatar. I confess this is my favorite book of the Saga. It introduces two characters who become pivital to the entire series. Also, it happens to be a fun book, despite the fact there is actual fighting and war. The stakes are higher, but that only makes Khirsha that much more fun to write. He is about to get a crash course in male-female relationships. (Why is it I have to correct my spelling of female every frikkin time from F-E-M-A-I-L to F-E-M-A-L-E? Talk about going postal. Cheesh.)

So I'm wondering if I'm doing myself, the Saga, Book I, Book II, and who knows who/what else a disservice by moving on to Book II before I even have a working query for Book I? The last time I did that I wound up with a mess. I finished Book II in the spring of 2007. In 2008 I tried getting Book I published, only to learn it was dead before it left the gates. But there's a lot of work to be done with Book II. For one thing, It is over 180,000-words. Even assuming Traitor is published as is, that seems like a high word count for a second book. I should probably drop at least 30,000-words. It's a rough draft. That should be no problem. Right?

But should I even be working on it? That's the question.

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Today's Music

Yeah. That's The Great Sea all right.
