Friday, July 10, 2009

The Work Goes On - and on - and on - and on

Getting a lot of work done on the military backstory. Some of this work has, in fact, been done for years. Such as a compiled list of all Presiders/Heads-of-Family over 352 years. There have been fifteen.

Name .. Begin Ended
Alahnta..105....145 female
Thiona...168....175 female
Chonatha.210....232 female
Soviah...232....251 female

Four of the Presiders have been women. The last four (marked with asterisks) are father-to-son successions. This is the motivation for the treason of Book I.

I also have entered all of the Sovereigns into the database (also compiled years ago). I won't list all of those as they comprise 262 records.

Another thing I've completed (just this week) is the determination of who was in the military during which years of their life. That was fun. I generated 159,710 records encompassing a 352 year period. Everyone has been grouped according to village, and villages have been grouped according to companies. Now I'm going through each year, one at a time, assigning warriors to companies and assigning military rank to warriors. I am on Year 3. This is the tedious part of the project. I see no way to generate records based on logic queries. It is going to come down to me looking at everyone for every year. When I am finished my military history should be quite impressive. Just as my sword skills records are impressive, and my family tree records, and my housing records, and wedding records, etc.

Sometimes this seems so real.

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Today's Music

Yeah. That's The Great Sea all right.
