Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What to Write About

So, I'm not sure what to post to this blog right now. My life has so much going on (but so little of it meaningful) that it's hard to know what to write.

The problem has to do with being "published". Technically, anything I post to this blog is "published". (Don't you just love reading things in quotes? Or parenthesis?) That poses a problem with anything I would like to be paid for later.

I suppose it doesn't matter. After all, I haven't been paid for anything I've written since I worked at the newspaper.

I would like to continue posting short story-poems here. They write quickly, and they convey what I'm feeling at the moment. Unlike a full novel, in which I have to recapture feelings because it's been weeks since the thing was begun.

Of course, most of my story-poems are same topic, and I suppose they get kind of samey after a while. But not for me. They're all different people. Different stories. To me, these are real people. I enjoy writing about them.

There are also nearly 7,000 characters in my Swords of Fire Saga. I've only dealt with a handful of stories. I could spend a lifetime writing about these lifetimes. Wish I could paid to do it.

Perhaps what I should do is spend some time writing about how The Great Sea became such a complicated place. Write about the process, instead of the result. I don't know. What do you think? Don't get many readers here, so I expect it doesn't matter at all.

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Today's Music

Yeah. That's The Great Sea all right.
